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Sabtu, 29 Mac 2014

Testimoni qaseh Adinda

Qaseh Junior

Salam pembaca semua...QASEH JUNIOR kenapa menjadi pilihan para ibu2

 Soalan 1.
 Seringkali kita tertanya adakah kita telah memberikan anak2 kita makanan tambahan yang berkualiti dan memenuhi keperluan tubuh badan mereka . Atau lengkapkah pemakanan seharian mereka...

Soalan 2.
 Adakah anak-anak kita mempunyai simptom-simptom berikut :
  •  yang memilih makanan atau tiada selera makan
  •  yang kerap dan sedang jatuh sakit
  • yang sukar makan ubat
  • yang suka makan makanan segera
  • yang tidak suka makan sayur
  • yang sedang mengalami alahan seperti batuk,selesema,kahak dan demam
  • yang mengalami masalah sembelit
  • yang kurang fokus ketika belajar atau mudah lupa
Kenapa qaseh junior perlu jadi pilihan

Kandungan dalam qaseh junior adalah gabungan dari kurma, air zam-zam, gingko, delima,  zaitun, zaafran, buah tiin, badam, gam arqab, pegaga, garam bukit, habbatussauda, bayam dan madu. 

Hasil gabungan makan ini menghasilkan qaseh junior yang mampu meningkatkan kadar imunisasi anak-anak anda dan membantu menjadikan si cilik anda sihat, cerdas, cerdik dan sentiasa berfokus
Anak sihat ibu gembira keluarga pun bahagia...


The healing crisis is natural and healthy

The healing crisis is very natural and unique for each individual. The vast majority experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. The individual should understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and able to eliminate toxins more effectively. Symptoms usually reduce or are eliminated within two to three days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks.

Most people base their health on how they are feeling and think that the natural health program is hurting them when they go through a healing crisis. This could not be further from the truth. The longer toxins or pathogenic organisms remain in the body, the worse their health will be and the faster they will develop disease.

People who are already suffering from major illnesses or are quickly building disease processes may suffer from more extreme reactions. This may explain why someone would have a brief flare-up in their condition. On occasion, the crisis will come after the individual feels at their very best.
The most common symptoms associated with a healing crisis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, night sweats, hot/cold flashes, increased blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue.

Fasting is a common strategy used to cleanse the body and often is associated with many of these detox symptoms. Fasting removes energy from the digestive tract where it can now be utilized for healing and detoxification. This is an important strategy for everyone to use periodically to improve and maintain cellular purity. Many choose to do three to ten-day liquid cleanses every quarter while others choose to do a weekly, 24-hour fasting cleanse.

To minimize healing crisis symptoms during a fast it is best to incorporate fermented drinks that are rich in electrolytes and enzymes to facilitate cleansing. Some of the best functional beverages to include in a fasting cleanse include fermented whey, coconut water kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha.

Healing crisis will also occur when individuals begin to incorporate naturally fermented foods into their diet. These foods destroy pathogenic organisms and create die-off effects. Healing crisis are also very common in individuals with major blood sugar signaling problems. When they remove sugar and anything that turns into sugar, they often have symptoms. Until there body gets comfortable using fat as a preferred fuel, they will often run on metabolic acidosis and experience healing crisis symptoms.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals

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